Marginal Syllabus at #OpenEd18

Remi is heading to Niagara Falls, New York this week to present about the Marginal Syllabus at the 15th Annual Open Education Conference (#OpenEd18).

Learn more about the Marginal Syllabus’ research and please join Remi at the following sessions:

Thursday, October 11 at 11am: Open Palimpsests: Layering Technologies, Partnerships, Resources, and Practices for Open Education

During this roundtable presentation, Remi will present his article “Equity-oriented design in open education” (to appear in the International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, read the preprint via OSF). This article advances an “open palimpsests” model for equity-oriented design in open education, and details how this model has guided the first two years of open educator learning in the Marginal Syllabus. The model includes a strategic layering of four design principles: Leveraging the ope web, fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships, working with open content, and engaging professional learning as an open practice.

As I note in the article:

I have drawn upon the design theory of infrastructuring to advance a model pertinent to learning initiatives with dual commitments to educational equity and educational openness. The open palimpsests model for equity-oriented design in open education suggests that design principles may be layered together – in strategic and complementary fashion – so that the relevance of any given principle informs design decisions while, simultaneously, all the principles influence more equitable outcomes.

During the roundtable discussion, I will briefly detail how this model guided iterative design and decision-making during both the 2016-17 and 2017-18 Marginal Syllabus. Perhaps more importantly, I welcome conversation and critique as we explore how this model may be useful to others designing equity-oriented open learning initiatives, and/or may be adapted (or modified) to meet the needs of likeminded efforts.

Friday, October 12 at 2:45pm: Open Annotation Data as Learning Analytics: Workflows and Visualizations for Educator Learning

This research presentation will feature CROWDLAAERS, a public dashboard for Capturing and Reporting Open Web Data for Learning Analytics, Annotation, and Education Researchers (pronounced “crowd layers”). CROWDLAAERS is a real-time dashboard relevant to collaborative processes and reports learning analytics associated with group – or ​crowd​ – discourse ​layers​ added via Hypothesis open web annotation to online content. For any publicly annotated document on the web, CROWDLAAERS provides learning analytics about the active participants, temporal activity (active days of annotation), collaborative discourse (threads of annotations), and also tags. Groups of individual annotations may be sorted by date, contributor, annotation, tags, and level (or the position of an annotation reply in a given thread). Via CROWDLAAERS, researchers and educators can also select any annotation to read the full content within CROWDLAAERS or in context of the annotated source document. Here are two examples of annotated texts associated with the current Equity Unbound open learning course.

The presentation will discuss the development and use of CROWDLAAERS within the context of Marginal Syllabus research and educator collaboration, and will detail how others interested in open web annotation data and learning analytics can use this open resource for their research and teaching efforts.

Bonus! Want more open web annotation? Come to “Open Web Annotation: Open Infrastructure for Next Generation Digital Learning Environments” with Marginal Syllabus friend – and, more importantly, Director of Marketing for Hypothesis – Nate Angell, Thursday the 11th at 8:30am.

Finally, if you’re not attending OpenEd and would like to connect with the Marginal Syllabus, you’re very welcome to:


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